ALTHERA - Alternative Therapies in Maramureș and Ivano-Frankivsk 1HARD/4.1/37
This project is funded by the European Union
Project obiectives
Project Objectives
Thematic objective 8. Common challenges in the field of safety and security
Programme priority 4.1 Support to the development of health services and access to health
General objective
To improve the medical and complementary services of alternative therapies for children with disabilities from Maramures and Ivano-Frankivsk
Specific objective 1
To build a new Center for Alternative Therapies in Recea, Maramures county comprising 7 medical offices for specific therapies, a senzorial park and a large arena for innovative therapy with animals (horses , poney and dogs) and to rehabilitate the alternative therapies section from Children Clinical Hospital Ivano- Frankivsk, comprising 3 medical offices, 1 big sport hall and access lobby by the end of the project implementation .
Specific objective 2
To improve the competences and performances of 9 therapists working in the Center for Alternative Therapies Recea, Maramures county and 5 therapists working in the alternative therapies section from Children Clinical Hospital Ivano-Frankivsk through specific trainings and exchanges of experiences, by the end of the project implementation .
Specific objective 3
To enhance the knowledge about the causes and risks of having children with various disabilities of the population living in Maramures county and Ivano Frankivsk city, focused on at least 20000 inhabitants considered fertile population, from the group of age 20-39, through awareness campaigns conducted on both side of the border, by the end of the project implementation .
This website has been produced with the support of the European Union. The content of this website is the responsibility of the Maramureș County Council and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Union or the management structures of the Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Program 2014-2021.