Common borders. Common solutions.
ALTHERA - Alternative Therapies in Maramureș and Ivano-Frankivsk
This project is funded by the European Union
Involved parties
Target groups
Children with disabilities from Maramures – Children (age 0-18) with various disabilities (Down Syndrome, autism, disabilities of the locomotor aparatus, etc) from Maramures county, that will benefit annually of alternative therapies helath services at the new Alternative Therapies Center Recea, Maramures county
Children with disabilities from Ivano Frankivsk – Children (age 0-18) with various disabilities (Down Syndrome, autism, disabilities of the locomotor aparatus, etc) from Ivano Frankivsk city that will benefit annually from alternative therapies in the rehabilitated alternative therapies section of the Children Clinical Hospital Ivano-Frankivsk
The families of the children with disabilities from Maramures and Ivano FrankivskProject teams members – families of the children with various disabilities from Maramures county and Ivano Frankivsk city, that will benefit annually free of charge of alternative therapies helath services at the new Alternative Therapies Center Recea, Maramures county
Therapists working in the Alternative Therapies Center in Maramures and in Children Clinical Hospital Ivano Frankivsk – 9 Therapists from Maramures county and 5 from Ivano-Frankivsk city, working in Alternative Therapies Center Recea from Maramures county and Children Hospital Ivano-Frankivsk (psychologists, speech therapists, kinesitherapists, hydro therapists, play therapists, ergo therapists, music and art therapists, horse trainer, dog trainer , etc) that will benefit from the trainings and exchanges of experiences organized within the project
Project teams members – Fertile population from Maramures county and Ivano Frankivsk city in the age group 20-39, men and women who are potentially future parents and will benefit of the information and knowledge transmitted within awareness campaign focused on causes and risks of having children with disabilities that will be conducted on both side of the border.
Fertile population from Maramures and Ivano-Frankivsk who will be informed within awareness campaign focused on causes and risks of having children with disabilities- Fertile population from Maramures county and Ivano Frankivsk city in the age group 20-39, men and women who are potentially future parents and will benefit of the information and knowledge transmitted within awareness campaign focused on causes and risks of having children with disabilities that will be conducted on both side of the border.
Final beneficiaries
Population from Maramures county covered by health services provided in the alternative therapies center- The population of Maramures county, that includes children with disabilities, their families, the entire community covered by improved alternative therapies health services provided in the new center of Alternative Therapies from Recea, Maramures county.Population from Ivano-Frankivsk city covered by health services provided in the alternative therapies department of Children’s Clinic Hospital Ivano-Frankivsk – The population of Ivano-Frankivsk city, that includes children with disabilities, their families, the entire community covered by improved alternative therapies health services provided in the alternative therapies department of Children’s Clinic Hospital Ivano-Frankivsk.
This website has been produced with the support of the European Union. The content of this website is the responsibility of the Maramureș County Council and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Union or the management structures of the Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Program 2014-2021.
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