Common borders. Common solutions.

ALTHERA - Alternative Therapies in Maramureș and Ivano-Frankivsk

This project is funded by the European Union




The ALTHERA Alternative Therapies Center is taking shape...

The dream of offering disabled children from Maramureș improved health services, by combining classic medical services with complementary alternative therapies, is closer to materialization.

Soon, the beneficiaries of this project will have access to medical offices for specific therapies, but also to a sensory park and a large arena for innovative animal therapy.


At the construction site related to the ALTHERA – Alternative Therapies in Maramures and Ivano – Frankivsk project, works are proceeding according to the schedule

Three months after the start of the works related to the construction stage of the Alternative Therapies Center in Recea, Maramureș county, within the ALTHERA – Alternative Therapies in Maramures and Ivano – Frankivsk project, project code 1HARD/4.1/37, Maramureș County Council, in as Beneficiary, receives the balance sheet of the progress made by the Contractor.


Starting from April 14, 2022, the start of the stage regarding the construction of the Alternative Therapies Center in Maramureș within the ALTHERA - Alternative Therapies in Maramures and Ivano - Frankivsk project, project code 1HARD/4.1/37

Following the completion of the stage of drawing up the technical project, based on construction authorization no. 31/10.02.2020, issued for the execution of the construction works of the Alternative Therapies Center in Recea, Maramureș County, within the ALTHERA – Alternative Therapies in Maramures and Ivano – Frankivsk project, project code 1HARD/4.1/37, Maramureș County Council, as the Beneficiary, announces the start of the execution of the works starting on April 14, 2022.
The technical solutions adopted in the project optimize the execution of the works according to the offered work schedule.


The start of the execution of the contractual agreement no. 26929, design and execution of works: Center for Alternative Therapies in Maramureș within the ALTHERA project – Alternative Therapies in Maramures and Ivano – Frankivsk project code 1HARD/4.1/37

On 14.01.2022, as a result of the completion of the procurement procedure for design services and works execution: Center for Alternative Therapies in Maramureș within the ALTHERA project – Alternative Therapies in Maramures and Ivano – Frankivsk project code 1HARD/4.1/37, County Council Maramureș, as the beneficiary, issued the Administrative Order to start the execution of Contractual Agreement no. 26929 dated 21.12.2021, to the winning company Asociere Avril S.R.L. and Cubicon Invest S.R.L.


As a leading partner, the Maramureș County Council organized on July 1, 2021 the launch meeting of the "ALTHERA- Alternative Therapies in Maramureș and Ivano-Frankivsk" project:

In the presence of the partners, representatives of the Ivano-Frankivsk Municipal Council and the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Maramureș, as a leading partner, the Maramureș County Council organized the launch meeting of the cross-border project “ALTHERA – Alternative Therapies in Maramureș and Ivano -Frankivsk”.
With a total value of 3,349,588.15 euros, of which 1,300,000 euros represent non-refundable funds, the financing contract entered into force on 24.03.2021, with the Ministry of Development and Public Works as the signatory parties as the Management Authority for The Joint Operational Program Romania – Ukraine ENI CBC 2014-2020 and the Maramureș County Council as the lead beneficiary. 


Ionel Ovidiu Bogdan, president of the Maramureș County Council, signed the financing contract of the ALTHERA- Alternative Therapies in Maramures and Ivano-Frankivsk project:

Proposed for financing within the Joint Operational Program Romania – Ukraine ENI CBC 2014-2020, Thematic Objective 8, Priority 4.1 Support for the development of health services and access to health, the project has as its general objective the improvement of medical and alternative services for children with disabilities from Maramureș and Ivano-Frankivsk.

This website has been produced with the support of the European Union. The content of this website is the responsibility of the Maramureș County Council and does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Union or the management structures of the Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Program 2014-2021.
© 2020-2021 Maramureș County Council. All rights reserved.



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